Rendlesham Forest

One of the best documented and most controversial UFO cases known to our modern era is the Rendlesham Forest Incident. This article is not intended to give a full account of this event, but more of a glimps. It is a case filled with mystery and intrigue that I cannot do justice, but hopefully it will serve as an opener to entice further investigation.  The incident better known as RFI took place in Rendlesham Forest which is located between two military bases, RAF Woodbridge and RAF Bentwaters, in Suffolk, England between December 26th and 28th, 1980.
The United States Air Force had leased the bases with rumors floating that there were nuclear weapons on site, which would have been a definite “no” on foreign soil. This case is an incredible case because it spanned many nights, was witnessed by many USAF personnel, has official documentation that something out of the ordinary did happen between the two bases, and has some documented radar evidence. There is also a tape recording that was made during one of the investigations, geiger counter data that was collected, photographs, and even plasters made of the landing indentations. In the world of Ufology, the word incredible doesn’t give it justice as a description.

The Incident Begins
    About 3 am on December 26th lights were seen in the sky near the two bases that descended quickly into the nearby forest between Bentwaters and Woodbridge. Military security were sent to the forest to determine what the lights were, believing it was possibly a downed aircraft. Two of the personnel involved were Jim Penniston and John Burroughs. Penniston described an amazing encounter while Burroughs has little memory of this night. They went into the forest to investigate the situation. There was an explosion of light that caused both men to fall to the ground, and it was then that Jim saw that there was a triangular craft before them. It was a metallic, black craft that was roughly 3 meters high and 3 meters wide. It had blue lights around it and a white light on top. Penniston stode and went to the craft. Burroughs was encased by a light. Penniston touched the craft and found it to be smooth to the touch. He also found symbols that were like Egyptian hieroglyphs on the side.  He felt that things were in slow motion around him. The craft eventually lifted in an incredible speed and disappeared into the early morning sky. Burroughs memories are not as clear as Penniston’s after the flash of light, but strongly felt that something amazing had been witnessed. The men later returned to their base to alert the proper superiors. The next morning Jim Penniston returned to the forest with plaster and made casts of the indentations that were left by the craft, which he secretly kept for himself. If that was not amazing enough, there were more nights of activity that would ensue.

   In the morning hours of December 27th Charles Halt, Base Commander at the time, was sent with a party of men back to the forest to investigate another sighting of lights. During their investigation they noticed the indentations from what appeared to be landing gear in the shape of a perfect triangle, broken tree limbs, and scarred trees that were facing the area in which the craft had been seen. During their investigation of the area they began to see lights throughout the forest around them. Halt believed that one of the larger lights looked like a huge, red eye that was blinking. Halt made a recording of the event as it unfolded. The men also witnessed a beam of light that traced through the forest and came in close proximity to them. During their time in the wooded area they took geiger counter readings, collected samples, and took photographs. At some point during their investigation John Burroughs returns to the forest. As the event concluded they returned to base.

    The next night brought another host of activity with many more players. Here enters Larry Warren to the stage, the man known to be the whistleblower that engaged world attention to the incident. Warren was to bring equipment to a field just outside of the base. It was at this field that Warren, along with many others, witnessed an extraordinary event that lasted hours. Warren believes that he saw a bright light that approached the field at an incredible speed, bursting into a multitude of lights with a blinding flash, only to reveal a large, 20 foot high, pyramid shaped craft with an array of different colored lights housing blue lights at its base. He was in such a state of shock that he couldn’t move. He was instructed to move closer to the craft along with others and he did. Can you imagine the aw that was felt? It is during this time that a car arrived that carried high ranking personnel to the site. Warren believes that it was Wing Commander Gordon Williams that stepped from the car. The person stepped from the car and shortly after lights burst from the craft’s appendages. In these lights there seemed to be translucent beings standing. Gordon moved closer to the beings and they appeared to stare at each other. If there was any type of communication between the parties it could not be seen. As this was happening Warren was ordered by his shift commander to return to their truck, which is what they did. Later returning to base.

    The day after all of this happen the men were summoned to an area on base. This would begin the attempt to cover up the story. They were told that they could not speak of the incident. Many of the participants believe that they were given mind altering drugs to try and erase or fog their memories during the next few days. Luckily for us the drugs that were given didn’t completely clear their memories and that these brave people, especially Larry Warren being the first, had the courage to come forward with their stories.

   For some reasons that I do not understand, there has been much controversy associated with this incident. Key players like Halt and Warren disagree about aspects of the case. At one time Halt basically called Warren a liar and stated that he was not even there, later he recanted that belief. Could this be the some sort of way for the government to continue the cover up, causing disagreement between the key players? Or could it be effects from the drugs the members were given to “fog” their memories? Whatever the case may be, it is such an intriguing incident, even with all the controversy, it is one that must be investigated further.

Left at East Gate
Encounter in Rendlesham Forest


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