Interested in UFO Research:
Here's a great place to start! Ufologist and South CA State MUFON Director, Jeff Krause created the UFO Tool Box and it has tips and advice that only a seasoned investigator can give!
Check it out at:
What Did Pat Daniels Hear?
Checkout this interview with researcher William Puckett and Pat Daniels
Shortly after midnight on January 14, 2016 HAM Radio operator and radio host of Fringe Radio,Pat Daniels, was scanning communications between an aircraft and the FAA when he heard something amazing.
The pilot reported seeing an extremely bright object that he estimated to be a mile wide to the right of the object. The object was a large orange square. The pilot was looking to the direction of Nephi, Utah. The air traffic controller told the pilot that the object was not seen on radar, but the object appeared to keep pace with the airplane.
Researcher William (Bill) Pucket learned of this case from the MUFON State Director of Utah and began his investigation. Bill has an outstanding biography in his study of ufology. He was employed as a meteorologist with the National Weather Service for 3 years and the Environmental Protection Agency for 27 years. He retired from government service in 2007. He is a professional member of the American Meteorological Society (AMS).
Puckett has worked as a consultant for the “UFO Hunters” series for the History Channel and has appeared on two “UFO Hunters” episodes. He also appeared on an episode on the Science Channel’s Close Encounters series. The episode was titled “Hunting Season.” Puckett’s Doppler radar analysis was featured on this show. He is also a research associate with NARCAP (National Reporting Center for Anomalous Phenomena.) He is credited with meteorological and radar analysis for the November 7, 2006 UFO Incident at O’Hare Airport in Chicago.
Puckett is a former State Director for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) in Montana. He is a certified field investigator for MUFON and has written several technical articles for the MUFON Journal. He also spoke at the International MUFON Symposium in July of 2008 on his radar work on the Stephenville, TX “sighting wave” in January of 2008. He has been a guest on many talk show radio programs, interviewed for some TV programs, and was recently interviewed on an Arts and Entertainment Channel “Paranormal State” Program titled “First Contact.”
His research found that the aircraft was American Airlines Flight Number 434 which was enroute from San Francisco, CA to Philadelphia, PA. The aircraft was flying at 31,000 feet and 530 knots at the time of sighting. Through an FOIA he acquired the voice transmission between the crew and the control and it can all be found on his website along with an in-depth analysis of the incident complete with radar returns of the incident. This is an on-going investigation.
When the CTP reviewed this case and the research that is being completed, we felt that it was an amazing incident that needed to be shared. The research is that has been completed to date is outstanding and researchers like Bill Pucket need to be recognized for their contributions to finding the truth!
Our article cannot do this incident or the research justice, we merely wanted to share this story so that you, the reader, can research it further. We strongly suggest you follow up by going to the UFOSNW website to see for yourself the exceptional research that has been completed thus far. We can promise that you will not be disappointed.
You can find more information about this case at:
To find more of Bill Pucket and others' research visit the UFOSNW site at:
Interested in some UFO Cases from around the US. Here's a few to get the tour started!
1. Alabama: Fyffe: February 11, 1989
February 11, 1989 an unlikely visitor made an appearance in a small, country town with a population of 2,000 residents, On this night more than 50 people called the local police station in Fyffe, Alabama to report a strange lighted aerial vehicle traveling through the countryside. The then Chief of Police, Junior Germany, and the Assistant Chief, Fred Works, gave pursuit of the craft which they chased out of the town limits and reported seeing the object hover overhead. The object then returned on the next night. This case gave to lots of media attention and people began traveling to the area to catch a glimpse of the Fyffe UFO. MUFON field investigators were sent to investigate.
See the article published in a local newspaper: The Gadsden Times at this link:
Interestingly, to go with this sighting, on February 15th in another small, country town, a few hours drive south of Fyffe in Georgiana there was another report of a similar looking aerial craft flying through the skies around the Providence area which is just west of the town. Georgiana police officers, LT. Howard Lofton and Sgt. Denson Scott gave pursuit to the object and watched the object from different points of view. It was multicolored and it remained stationary for almost an hour. A MUFON field investigator was sent to the sight to investigate.
Could there have been a UFO flap over the skies of Alabama in February of 1989?
2. Alaska: Japan Airline Flight 1628: 1986
This case is one of the most famous cases that has taken place over the skies of Anchorage, Alaska. It gained media attention across the world because of the reliability of the witnesses and the radar evidence that was present with the encounter.
It began about 5 pm on November 17, 1986. The Japan Airline Flight 1628 was flying over the area of Anchorage, Alaska when the pilot, Captain Kenju Terauchi and his crew spotted what appeared to be three lights trailing to the left and below their plane. Captain Terauchi had over 29 years flight history at the time of the incident. At first, he ignored the lights thinking that they were probably some sort of military craft. He changed his course slightly but then noticed that the lights seemed to be following his plane. He began a conversation with the AARTCC ( Alaska Air Route Traffic Control Center). At this point there was no radar confirmation of the unknown objects, but suddenly a bright shining object appeared in the front of the plane. The new object lit up the cockpit with a very bright light and the Kenju even said that his face felt warm from the light. The crew decided to check the plane's radar and something did appear on the plane's radar. The AARTCC began communications with the ROCC. The AARTCC and the ROCC confirmed that they both had something showing a radar signature, something that they could not identify. As Kenju and his crew observed the objects, he felt that he could distinguish two smaller ships that were converging onto a much larger "mothership". They decided to change course again and even changed their plane's altitude, but this did not stop them from being followed. Finally, a passenger plane was asked to change course to see if that pilot could catch a glimpse of the objects and identify the crafts. Unfortunately by the time that plane neared the craft had disappeared.
As interesting as the sighting is, it becomes more intriguing as the FAA announced that they would carry on an investigation of their own. The investigation was led by John Callahan and his colleagues. As the investigation was underway, an unidentified third party came and the evidence that had been found was allegedly taken.
To see a much more detailed description of the case with communications between Captain Terauchi and the control towers visit:
What could have been in the skies above Anchorage that night? And why would a third party be so interested in taking the evidence?
3. Arizona: Phoenix Lights: 1997
On March 13, 1997 something truly amazing happen across the state of Arizona. The event became known as the Phoenix Lights, but it encompassed much more than just the Phoenix area. It also is a confusing event because there are so many witnesses, but it seems that there were two things happening at once. Some witnesses reportedly saw a large, size of a football field, v-shaped craft with 5 lights moving across the state, while other witnesses reported a stationary set of lights hovering over just the Phoenix area. The V-shaped craft is still an unknown, while the stationary lights are thought to have been from military flares dropped by military planes during an exercise.
It all really began with the first call to police in Henderson, Nevada by a man that said he saw a V-shaped object passing over the skies of the area. The next witness was an unnamed police officer in Paulden, Arizona. He reportedly watched the lights of a large, aerial, v-shaped craft through binoculars from his home until it disappeared across the horizon. Next the object was reported slowly moving silently through Prescott and Prescott Valley. Witnesses here say the object was low, but definitely solid because it blocked the view of the stars as it passed. Then came the town of Dewey with similar reports with Phoenix to follow. The last report came from the Kingsman area from a man claiming to see lights traveling in the sky in the area.
Reports were taken from hundreds of witnesses and has been analyzed by many experts. The governor of Arizona, Fife Symington, called a press conference at the time making light of the situation by having a member of his staff dressed as an alien come on stage, but he later said that he had witnessed the event personally and thought that it was something extraordinary.
This is one of those cases that has to be taken seriously because of the massive amount of witnesses and their evidence. To read further on this case you can visit:
What do you think about the Phoenix Lights? Could it be an experimental government aircraft or something other worldly?
4. Arkansas: Airship of 1897
This is a story that goes way back in time. It occurred on May 6, 1897 in the Ouachita Mountains of Arkansas near Hot Springs. The Constable at the time John J. Sumpter, Jr. and his deputy, John McLemore, were in the area working a case when they saw something in the sky. It was a bright light that dropped behind the mountain. The two continued riding until they saw the ship in the sky again. This time it seemed to descend into the forest. They continued to ride, but in a short time their horses refused to go further. That is when the story takes an interesting turn. The officers say they saw lights walking through the forest and then a "person" approached them explaining that they were in their aircraft traveling the countryside. The "person" took them to the ship. They described the ship as cigar shaped and about 60 feet long. The "person" wanted them to join them on their flight, but the officers refused.
This was an exciting time in history for flight. The dream of hot air blimp flight had been around for at least a hundred years before 1897 and it had actually been achieved in 1884 and soon after in 1903 there was the first flight of the Wright brothers. But these were not ships that were seen zipping around in the night sky.
Could the men have seen a hot air blimp and it's captain or could it have been something other worldly?
5. California: The Battle of Los Angeles 1942
Imagine a time in history when everyone's on high alert, awaiting more air raids from the Japanese, only a few months past the Pearl Harbor invasion, the greatest event on American soil that thrust the United States into World War II. Of course all eyes would be pointed to the skies, but on this night in 1942 above Los Angeles, what did they see?
In the early morning hours of February 24-25 at 3:06 am something was spotted flying across the skies of the city. Suddenly air raid sirens sounded and a complete blackout of the city was ordered. Immediately following the blackout order the 37th Coast Artillery began firing .50 caliber machine guns and 12.8 lbs. anti-aircraft shells into the air trying to intercept a reported unknown aircraft in the area. People took to the streets to see the amazing sight. Some witnesses say they saw a large brightly lighted object hovering over the city and then there is the famous picture that shows some type of object in spotlights above the city. Planes in the area were put on alert ready to join the fight if needed, but they never took flight. There were 5 casualties related to the incident, three car accidents and two heart attacks.
The object disappeared as quickly as it appeared and at 7:21 am the all clear was given. The incident was characterized by the Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox in a press conference following the incident as a false alarm caused by "war nerves." But others have their own ideas.
Massive media attention was given to this incident and ufologist have investigated it and re-investigated it for years! There is a wealth of information that can be found on the case. Here are some sights for more insight into the case.
What do you believe? Was it just a city that was so fearful of another Japanese attack or was it something more?
6. Colorado: Breckenridge 2014
This is one of those cases that is just baffling. It is baffling because a major media news organization has documented video of something hovering in the skies above the mountains, but there hasn't been much to do about it.
On October 03, 2014 just before noon 3 bright lights were reported hovering over the town of Breckenridge, Colorado. A news team from KUSA-TV Channel 9 News was sent to report the sighting and witnessed and captured the lights as they were hovering above the mountains. Matt Renoux reported what he had witnessed and what others had told him. No police officers wanted to be interviewed, but did comment that they were investigating the incident. Check out the video on the link below. It is rare that one finds a video from a news organization with such good documentation.
What do you think? Could it have been a UFO and if so where did it come from?
7. Connecticut: 1985
Did the Hudson Valley UFO of New York move southernly into Connecticut near the towns of Southbury and Newtown?
Between 9:30 pm and 10:15 pm on May 26, 1985 more than 200 people called and reported to the state police that there was a large object moving through the skies over Interstate 84. The object was at least the size of a football field, round, solid, and brightly lighted by at least 8 multi-colored lights. Witnesses said that the craft had no sound, moving slowly very low in the sky. Some witnesses saw the craft stop and hover for a few minutes before it would begin to move again.
Around 10 pm on Route 7 two men saw the object and stopped their car. They got out of the vehicle and watched as the craft passed directly overhead. Their dog was barking and the car's radio began to have static on the station they were listening. They could see that the object was solid. They felt that they watched the object for about 10 minutes, but found when they got home that about 40 minutes had passed.
With so many witnesses, you would think that someone had caught something on film, and that is exactly what happen. A picture of the event was submitted by a reliable witness.
For more information visit:
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